Monday, June 8, 2009

An important question!

If you could interview anyone (still living) in the world, who would it be what would you ask him or her? Answer in the comments - as many questions as you like. Go!


  1. Well, right now, an interview with Michael Vick would be very useful. Though it would probably be tough for me, a diehard Falcon fan to do. The interview would probably be something like this:

    Me: What were you thinking?

    Vick: I wasn't...

    Me: UGH!!! (hits head against desk over and over again until Vick awkwardly walks out)

    Other than that, I would probably like an interview with Matt Ryan. Then again, that interview probably wouldn't go well either:

    Ryan: I'm here for my interview.

    Me: Thank YOU! (bows down at his feet until Ryan runs away in panic, afraid of the cult I would probably try to form in his honor)

    Leaving the sports realm, I would probably enjoy interviewing Linkin Park or Rise Against. Linkin Park is my favorite band, so getting to meet them and find out how they come up with all their songs and everything else about them would be amazing. Rise Against would be fun for the same reasons, and as an added bonus, the band members are all big political activists, which could make their opinions more interesting.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see if I ever get the chance to interview any of these people :P.

  2. An expert on theatre ticket sale statistics would be nice.
    Maybe an economist...

    I would ask:
    1.) Have you seen a drop in box office sales in theaters due to the economy?

    2.) In American history, was there ever a time when this happened?

    Then I'd like to speak with an experienced actor/actress. One who has performed on stage and behind cameras. Interview:

    1.) Growing up, did you aspire to act on stage or star in a movie?

    2.) Which one is more fun?

    3.)Which one receives better feedback from the public?

  3. There are many people that I would love to have the opportunity to interview, but there is one person that I really have a vested interest in: Ann Coulter. Ann Coulter seems totally insane to some and like a total genius to others. My view of her is somewhere in-between. Some of the things she says are actually quite funny, but much of what she says is wildly inappropriate. I share some of her views, but some of her opinions I completely disagree with. I would love to ask her the following questions:

    1. The media hates you, and you hate the media. I know you don't care but can you not realize that its you against many and maybe you should try to appease them so that your work would be more widely respected?

    2. I have read a few of your books, and some of your bi-weekly postings, but to me they seem redundant. Do you ever consider varying your story lines? All I ever read is liberals are evil but you offer no solution to the problem.

    3. Tell me your honest and most candid opinion on Keith Olberman.

    4. If you could get Barack Obama to sit down and meet with you what would you say to him?

    5. What do you think the republican party needs to do to make a comeback and take back control of congress?

    6. What do you think of President Obama's new supreme court appointment?

    7. If you could sit down with one journalist on a major news network who would it be and why?

  4. if i could pick anyone in the world to interview at this moment since journalism is on my mind- i would interview maria shriver. she is not only the first lady of california and an author of 6 books but is a former anchorwoman of the CBS Morning News, NBC Nightly News, and Dateline NBC. After recently reading one of her books, I find her an inspiration to women who are aspiring to work in the journalism and communications fields.

    Here are some questions I would ask her:

    1. What were some of the key steps you took to achieve your success?

    2. What was it like having been a successful female anchorwoman and what was your favorite experience?

    3. What are some lessons that you have learned throughout your career?

    4. What advice would you give to other young women trying to achieve success in the journalism field?

    5. What do you feel is the key factor to achieving your dreams?


  5. I would interview Sasha and Malia Obama. I know it must be really cool to make that huge change from Illinois (I used to live there, ~dull~) to The White House. I would ask them:
    If they missed Illinois, old lives and what about it?
    How they like there new life, new dog, new House? Favorite part?
    What do they think the most important thing there dad has done/ will do?
    If they could run the country for a day, what would they do?

  6. I would really like to interview someone in the CIA. I realize that is basically impossible but I would love to just ask them a million questions about what they do and all the top secret things they are involved in. =)

  7. If I could interview anyone, I would want to sit down with Oprah. I know it is kind of cliche, but I'm a pretty big Oprah fan. I would ask her about her childhood and how she got her start in journalism. And who knows, maybe she will give me a new car! =)

  8. If I could interview anyone, I would interview a narc. I just think living undercover to try to better the world is an honorable job and very intriguing. I would ask them about specific experiences and the rewards of there difficult and dangerous career.
