this has been quite the experience. I'll never forget it.
I really feel more experience in writing after this
camp, which is cool...
thank goodness for facebook.
so long, farewell, aufwedersein goodbye.
Friday, June 12, 2009
our farewell post
Well the week has finally come to end, and we must say, it has been a total blast. Features was definitely the class to be in! We had a great time getting to know all of you this week and reading all of your wonderful work. I feel like we have learned a lot from reading each others stories and just bonding as a class.
I know you will all miss my incessant whining about Miley, and my unmatchable knowledge of celebrities.
We decided that even on the first day when we were brainstorming ideas that this class would be something special. It's been sketch, awkward, difficult and most of all, fun! We will miss all of you!
Have a great year and do cool things!
you know you love us,
Lauren and Rose
Just in case you check this blog again...
Wow, what can I say? The dinner/awards show was a lot of fun, I came home and put my son to bed, and now I am happily wiped out - and thinking of the past week, and how incredibly lucky I am to have had every single one of you in my class!
I don't know the plans for this blog, but if there's interest in keeping it going, let me know - find me on Facebook and message me! For real!
Wow, what a bunch of smart and funny and talented people. I can't wait to see what you're going to do next. Something big, I bet!
Take care, all!
I don't know the plans for this blog, but if there's interest in keeping it going, let me know - find me on Facebook and message me! For real!
Wow, what a bunch of smart and funny and talented people. I can't wait to see what you're going to do next. Something big, I bet!
Take care, all!
it's already friday.
Journalism camp will be over in 24 hours! ;( Thanks for everything Mary Jessica! I had tons of fun and learned alot.
Last day
This is so sad! I don't want to leave at all. I've had so much fun while I've been at this camp, and I'm really going to miss it when it's done. Writing in this class has been awesome, and I've learned a lot that I really think is going to help me in the future. I thank each and every one of you for sharing this experience with me; it wouldn't have been the same without any one of you. Keep in touch.
Chase Wassenar
P.S. Facebook me!
it's over =(
It's the last day =( I'm so sad! I loved this camp so much! Everyone I have met have been amazing! Even though it's going to be super sad to leave, I have so many funny stories to tell my friends back home. But this is a journalism camp so I guess I should mention the learning part of the camp. I am really happy that I decided to take the features writing class. Everyone in this class is nice and we all seem to get along very well. But the best part of the class is our teacher, Mary Jessica! She has been such a great instructor because she has had a ton of first hand experience. She is really nice and so laid back, so I find it easier to open up and accept constructive criticism.
Next year I'm going to be a Senior so no matter how much I really want to come to this camp again, I can't. But hopefully I will be here during the same time next year for orientation next year anyways!
Even though I have loved this camp so much, I must say, I can't wait to finally be able to sleep in late! So even though we are all leaving and going home to places that are probably hundreds of miles away from each other, I hope that we can stay in touch 'cause you guys are awesome!
My last at camp post! :(
This week has been an amazing experience all together. There are so many people I would love to thank! The students have been incredible, and might I add, entertaining. My teacher, Mary Jessica Hammes, has been the coolest features teacher I have ever had! She was thorough, but we still had fun! I definitely should thank the counselors, who put up with all of our mess and craziness! And I would like to thank the directors, they did an amazing job planning everything!
Besides learning about features writing, I learned about all other aspects of journalism. This includes leadership and preparing for the new millennium. This all helped me grasp more knowledge about journalism and what the career is like. I'm glad I now have this new information to bring back to my staff at home!
Camp has allowed me to experience life as a college student. Living in the dorms was a new experience, especially sleeping on that awful plastic thing they call a bed. Lesson learned! Mattress pads are a must! The food was also better than I had expected, another warm welcome.
Well, I cannot believe the week is almost over! I am going to miss everyone and I hope everyone the best in the world!
Last post
This is my last blog post so I thought I would review my time here at the Grady Journalism Academy. I have met so many amazing, talented people that I would love to keep in contact with. I have also learned so much about the field of journalism as a whole and what it is like to write for a paper outside of my high school. I do not know if I would still like to pursue journalism as a career but I know that this camp has helped me along the way with my decision.
I loved all of the fun things we did at night like laser tag and the Grady After Dark night. I also liked all of the prizes that were given out and the AP Style books, which will come in handy back home.
I also want to take a minute to thank my teachers, Mr. Dennis and all of the people that made this camp possible. Your work does not go unnoticed!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I woke up this morning after only like 4 hours of sleep (3rd floor was wild last night lol). I finally experienced UGA breakfast and i must say it was not quite worth the extra 30 minutes of sleep I could have had. Groggy, exhausted...I hate mornings. I would KILL for a Rockstar right now! I really want to go back to Junkman's Daughter's Brother again. It's cool, not as great as the original in Atlanta (Junkman's Daughter) but I like it.
Wasting Time is Fun
So I finished my article yesterday, which is nice because it means I've been able to watch Zero Punctuation reviews (video game reviewer, really funny), listen to my new CD (Let It Enfold You by Senses Fail) and talk to friends on facebook (or at least the two that are actually up). It's a lot of fun, but I'm looking forward to doing a review or profile later today.
If I'm at the red carpet, I'm probably finding the first band I can find. Music is kinda my thing. I think Rise Against would be so cool to interview. Not only are they amazing musicians, but they are also political activists that do a lot of cool work. Questions below:
1. When can fans expect your next tour? Any upcoming CD's?
2. Is there any song that you've played so much, you never want to play it again?
3. What is your favorite song to play? Why?
4. What have you been doing recently to make a difference in the community?
5. What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment so far?
6. What can we expect for the future?
red carpet interview: frank sinatra;
The Red Carpet is shiny, and red...
Lots of flashing photographers and obnoxious fans busting out of the flimsy strap holding them behind the carpet.
um, I would be interviewing Frank Sinatra. If you're in the dark about his status in society, he writes and sings music, acts, and directs. Oh, and he likes to be called 'Ol Blue Eyes...
1.) What are some of your pastimes aside from writing and performing and directing?
2.) Do you recycle?
3.) What's the origin of your numerous nicknames?
4.) What was your experience of working on The Rat Pack?
5.) Were you friends with Lucille Ball?
my gauges.
ok so my gauges are jst a little bit bigger than normal earrings. like an 18 is the size of an earring and 16 is the next size. but i skipped to a size 14. it wasnt that bad i jst had to shove it through. lol
i finished my article last night. that was a relief. On monday, i really thought i'd be working until this morning because i thought it would have been much more difficult. But I'm glad it wasn't that bad and i enjoyed what i wrote about. so today is my last full day because I'm leaving early tomorrow night because im leaving for europe saturday morning. im excited =) but this camp has been good overall. I've enjoyed this class and im really glad i chose feature writing.
I finished my article.
I'm on facebook.
I'm researching Art Deco on Google.
I am disappointed that I won't see the newspaper until a few more weeks.
I'm wondering if we can go downtown during free time tomorrow.
haha! this is so much fun ------>
good morning to you
last night i was mad hyped and it was great. Three rockstars collaborated with loads of candy and a touch of utter exhaustion makes for a sick night( the good kind of sick ). I must warn you though, after a few hours you will have a major freak out. In real life, my bones were tingling, i was shaking, and my teeth were chattering. Great stuff man.
I didn't get terribly panicked by the deadline being last night because I have close deadlines with 3 or 4 stories at my newspaper at school. But it is a relieving to be done and have my story turned in!
Yesterday was fun... going downtown was a really fun experience and I had the best veggie burger of my life at The Grill! It seriously made my day! I also enjoyed working at night. It seemed so relaxed. Today's Grady after dark should be... umm... interesting.
If I could interview anyone on the red carpet, I would interview one of the guys for Super Bad. It is pretty much my favorite movie because it is just so random. It would probably be a funny interview because the actors are so funny!
3rd blog
last night was crazy. everyone was so hyper. hopefully tonight will be just as fun. I gauged my ear last night, it kind of hurts still. oh wells. Anyway i'm so glad that everyone has finished their stories. i cant wait to see the newspaper.
Red Carpet interview

I would be at the Oscars, and what would I ask?
1. How does she handle the pressures of Hollywood so gracefully?
2. How does she remain out of the drama?
3. And how is she raising her boys in the mass chaos of celebrity life?
Thursday Blog
Hey guys, it's Thursday, and this week has been a lot of fun, especially last night with all the energy drinks and candy they gave us. After reading all those articles about the inverted pyramid used in journalism, I'm a little skeptical. I mean, I know you want to real your readers in in the beginning, but why would they want to read the whole article if the information gets less and less important as you go through. Shouldn't you at least have something important that they have to wait for so they read the whole article. If I get everything I need in the beginning, I am not going to want to finish reading, but that's just me.
Besides that, Me and Saria's article went really well. We found some really good restaurants. Expresso Royale Cafe has some really good homemade pastries and coffee and smoothies. Also, Angelo's Ristoraunte (it's spelled like that, I promise) has some really good pizzas and subs that aren't too expensive and are really huge portions so one order could feed two or three people. The Grit, a vegetarian restaurant was really good too. There were some other cool theaters and stuff so you can read our article and check those out if you want.
I guess that's all for right now. Oh and if I am going to ask that famous person on the red carpet some questions I guess I would ask...... What impact do you hope to have on this world? How do you view yourself and your success? How do you think your success has changed you and people's opinion of you? Is there anyone that really impacted who you are today or influenced you to be who you are today? I think those are some pretty good questions..... so yeah... Cya later
Yesterday was probably the most fun I have had at the camp. I loved going downtown and looking in all the cool shops. I ate lunch at a really good sushi place which was fun and browsed around a funky record store. With only an hour left in downtown Athens, my friend and I spotted one of my favorite stores, Junkman's Daughter's Brother. I was so excited! We stayed in the store for a really long time and had to race to the arch to make it back on time :)
But now to answer "the important question"
I am at the Emmys on the red carpet interviewing Lauren Conrad about her new clothing line. I would ask her:
1. What is the name of your brand?
2. Where did you get your inspiration for the line?
3. What is the color pallet?
4. Are there certain fabrics that are common in the line?
5. Who is your target audience?
6. What types of pieces are you producing?
q&a on the red carpet.
If I could meet one celebrity... that's a tough one. There are so many people I would love to interview! I'm going to name one in every media category. That might make this a little bit easier, haha.
Music: Taylor Swift. She is my absolute favorite. I used to HATE her, but now I literally know the words to every one of her songs and would kill to go see her tour which, btw, sold out in 8 seconds. I have alot of things I would ask her about.
1/ When you were 12 years old handing out your hand made cds to record labels in Nashville, did you ever think you wouldn't make it this far?
2/ What's it like going from writing a song on your bedroom floor to hearing millions of people across the world singing them now?
3/ How do you manage to stay so level headed and grounded in the midst of everything thats going on for you right now?
4/ You're 19. You've accomplished what some 30 year olds are still dreaming about. Is there anything you haven't done yet? Are you exactly where you want to be?
Television: Kristin Cavallari. She's hilarious. I might actually watch the next season of the Hills just to laugh at her.
1/ Back during your Laguna Beach days, when you watched the show after being filmed, do you think it was an accurate protrayal of your life?
2/ If you could take anything back about your high school days, what would it be?
3/ Do you think that the Hills will be any different after your being casted?
Movies: Will Smith. I love him. I have basically seen every episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air at least 10 times. Not to mention, he's an amazing actor. I would ask him:
1/ You have definitely grown as an actor since your Fresh Prince days. What made you make the switch from comedies to intense drama, action packed films?
2/ What was it like playing in a film with your son? Is he pursuing an acting career as well?
3/ What was the most difficult role you have ever played, and what did you do to prepare for it?
The End. :)
On this blog again! finished my article last night and I think I did a good job (or at least I hope I did a good job) but I'm feeling pretty confident about it. I don't know why but I am really hungry right now but I don't know why because I just came from breakfast.
But about this movie star thing.... if I could interview a really big star on the red carpet, it might have to be Beyonce. I love her music and I really admire her as an artist and as a person as well. Although I don't know her, I feel that she is a very genuine person.
My question would be, who are your biggest influences in life and why?
I honestly don't really know what I would ask but that would probably be my biggest question. Or maybe my question might be, who are your biggest inspirations and why? Either way I would most likely get the same answer or an answer along those lines.
so today I am feeling quite relieved that my article is FINISHED. the process of working on a deadline was similar to the process that I have to abide by on my school paper so I wasn't surprised or panicked by it. it seems like camp has gone by really quickly. i have overall had fun here and made some new friends. i am particularly excited for tonight because we are going to have dinner catered and the night should be interesting.
after reading all of the articles, i was most intrigued by the the youtube/home birth article and the round sunglasses. i was surprised that some women are so brave to post these videos of themselves giving birth on the internet for everyone and anyone to see. i know that i would not be as confident and brave to do so. the round sunglasses trend is interesting to me. i don't think i would necessarily wear them because i know that you have to have a certain shaped face to wear them. for instance-- lady gaga wears them and they totally work for her. personally, i would feel like a fool in them.
anyways, these are just some of my random thoughts for the day...
Good morning + IMPORTANT QUESTION, pt. 3!
I am so proud of the work all of you did last night - well done!
Now, for this morning. While the remaining stories are coming in, I want you to read:
And, this.
When you are done with that, peruse the features in The New York Times. (Some nice ones I want you to check out: this movie review, this fashion story, this H&G story, this article on YouTube and child birth(!), this Danger Mouse review, and this article about trendy types shopping at Goodwill.
And don't forget to A: post a new blog and B: comment on another blog post.
What should you blog about? Anything, of course, but if you need a pointer, try writing about either any of the articles I linked to above....or write what it was like to write on deadline!
Finally, what I know you all are waiting for....IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!! You are on the red carpet of some kind of gala awards ceremony - it could be for actors, musicians, humanitarians, whatever. You are about to interview a gigantic star, probably one you admire. Where are you, who are you about to interview, and WHAT DO YOU ASK? (Please don't let it be, "Who are you wearing?") Go!
Now, for this morning. While the remaining stories are coming in, I want you to read:
And, this.
When you are done with that, peruse the features in The New York Times. (Some nice ones I want you to check out: this movie review, this fashion story, this H&G story, this article on YouTube and child birth(!), this Danger Mouse review, and this article about trendy types shopping at Goodwill.
And don't forget to A: post a new blog and B: comment on another blog post.
What should you blog about? Anything, of course, but if you need a pointer, try writing about either any of the articles I linked to above....or write what it was like to write on deadline!
Finally, what I know you all are waiting for....IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!! You are on the red carpet of some kind of gala awards ceremony - it could be for actors, musicians, humanitarians, whatever. You are about to interview a gigantic star, probably one you admire. Where are you, who are you about to interview, and WHAT DO YOU ASK? (Please don't let it be, "Who are you wearing?") Go!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
so this is my second post today but I kind of have some down time right now so I need to do something with my life. I have learned a lot this week. I have really enjoyed hearing about everyone's stories. I have learned a few new style techniques for my writing and how to be more proper in my punctuation. I am just enjoying this class in general, as it is my favorite part of the day. Its my favorite because it allows me to de-stress and be away from all the drama that this camp seems to have........
random thoughts
so i am on my third draft of my movie article. i finally got my interview after two days! success feels good. if only i could finally finish my article soon. i am excited for this afternoon. i have been looking forward to exploring downtown athens- the shopping and food. i am determined to find a yummy sushi place to eat and get away from bolton. :)
This week so far has reminded me that i enjoy writing in general. i like being part of a newspaper staff who all work together to reach a final product that will be distributed to everyone. I have not really had any surprises throughout this week but its not over yet...
Editing My Creation
So, I already cut out a good chunk of my story... and it's still 549 words long. I hate this. This was my work, you know? But I know we have to to get the story to fit. I just really wish we could have a bigger newspaper so we could write more, but c'est la vie, I suppose.
i never thought i was going to be able to write a 300 word article and now i have 540 words and i still don't have all the information in. Its going to be hard to edit out 240 words but oh well. I cant wait till lunch time! Finally able to get away from Cafeterias and experience the real Athens.
so I am doing my second blog..... I really don't have any random thoughts to share..............
I'm pretty excited to go downtown and eat legit food. I am dying for some good sushi. I am also very excited to go shopping in downtown Athens because there are some very interesting stores there! I am pretty much done with my article so I am feeling a lot better.
So far...
First off, this week has been awesome! I have had a blast working on my features story with Kaitlyn! This week, I have learned that I need to master the art of shorthand when interviewing someone! Kaitlyn was about to strangle me (with all of the kindness in the world) because I wrote out the word baseball. =)
What have I learned..
This week so far I have learned so much about features writing and the art of leadership. Spicing up leades is an important trait of features. The nut graph is also crucial because you don't want to trick or confuse your readers! Hopefully I will learn a lot of new information the rest of the week, if I don't get to deadline stressed!
at last.
So, I'm finally making headway on my article. Thank God. It's been two (pushing three) very long days of one ended phone calls, an empty Yahoo! inbox, and a blank Microsoft Word document. I just got an interview from Sam Johnson, one of the main cast members of Darius Goes West. He was on the way to pick up the main character of the film. I thought that was pretty cool. I just finished the first draft of my article, and I'm not really liking this 400 word limit. Quite frankly, it sucks. I guess the silver lining is that all of the waiting for a response and hoping for an interview was a much needed eye opener about the patience and persistence involved in journalism. The satisfaction after making progress in a first draft is awesome.
This deadline came a lot faster than I thought it would and I feel so unprepared. I am EXHAUSTED because I did a phone interview with one of my drug sources while he was surprisingly still sober. At 1 o clock in the morning! But feature writing is fun. Hard, but fun. I'm excited to take what I've learned so far home.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Important Question, part 2
Tell me your dream writing job in the comments.
And for your next post, I want to know about what you've learned about feature writing so far, and if you've had any surprises!
And for your next post, I want to know about what you've learned about feature writing so far, and if you've had any surprises!
I'm getting pretty far with my article on the theatre. I'm still waiting for one more person's input (Director Jodi Layman from MSYT). uhh, its chilly in here...
I wish I new of a picture I could get for my article, but nothing is going on in any of the theatres around here.
hm, well then...I have nothing else to say. bye for now ;D
My article is going pretty well but I haven't actually completed any of my interview. I have two scheduled for this afternoon and hope fully I will have an interview from someone involved in the Peace Corps. That one isn't working out too well. But it's ok. I have a lot of information about the actual organizations I'm including and I found information about the celebrities involved in them. Hope to finish soon.
Rush Writing
I am writing my article on the new Google Wave website which will be the future facebook. I need to interview technology professors or pretty much any IT person with knowledge on this subject. The catch is that I can not find anyone who is actually answering their phone or e-mail this summer. I also called computer repair places in Athens and they did not even answer their phones! This makes my job a little hard and frustrating. I also need to finish my story by tonight. At home, I usually lock myself in my room in total silence to write.....not in a room with 15 other students. I hate rushing too because I write better when I take my time. But I am confident that it will all work out in the end. I work well under pressure but in the meantime....I just wish someone would answer their phone.
Day 2
So I should probably be working on my article, but most of the people I'd like to call for it are all still sleeping. Serves me right for being a teenager, I suppose...
Either way, I've already gotten four interviews done. Which is awesome. I mean, sure they're all from my old school, so I'll probably only be able to use one, maybe two, of them, but I still have them and it feels like progress. That's almost as important as actual progress, right? :P
Well, I'm going to get back on facebook so I can see if any of my other friends are up. The first chance I get to interview someone outside of Marist, I'll take it. That's probably how I'll be spending my lunch period, in all honesty. But it'll be worth it when I get the first draft done today :)
Today's morning wasn't so bad. Still didn't make it to breakfast but at least my shower was hot this time. Just did my first UGA interview which was kinda cool but not exactly what I expected. Hopefully better luck next time. But all this walking around will either make me or break me this week. Maybe it will prepare me for volleyball season.
Monday, June 8, 2009
An important question!
If you could interview anyone (still living) in the world, who would it be what would you ask him or her? Answer in the comments - as many questions as you like. Go!
About Me
Hey Feature Writers,
My name is Rose and I'm from Suwanee, GA. I go to South Forsyth High School and I'm the features editor for my school newspaper. Journalism and writing has always been a favorite of mine and I aspire to be a magazine writer one day for either a fashion, women's, or overall lifestyle magazine. For my school newspaper, The Southside Times, I typically write feature or editorial articles on celebrities, fashion, or school events. Some of my favorite things are: movies- sleepless in seattle, the butterfly effect, and how to lose a guy in 10 days, tv show- one tree hill, gossip girl, and the oc, music- everything except country. I want to learn a lot about feature writing this week and hopefully, become a better writer. I also am looking forward to making new friends and having fun! I'm sure our paper will turn out great and I can't wait to see it finished :)
Why I m here
Hello fellow feature writers,
My name is Jasmine Fillmore and I attend Campbell High School in Smyrna Georgia. I'm an upcoming senior , and I'm going on my second year being on the newspaper staff. Our school's newspaper is called, " The Spatan Chronicles". I have not always wanted to be a journalist, before this career choice i wanted to be a politician to change the world through my voice. Then i had a second thought and wanted to change the world through my words and what i write. Whether i write articles, poetry, or even books I just want my voice out there. So thats the main reason why I'm here is to learn how to write more precise and correct.
My First Blog
Since I do not really know what to write in a blog, I thought I would introduce myself. My name is Kate Federman and I am a senior at Etowah High School. I will be the Managing Editor of my HS newspaper, The Talon. I have been on staff for three years now and love writing. I also enjoy playing guitar, reading and hanging out with my friends. I am excited for the GSPA Journalism Academy and all that I will learn from this experience.
Hey guys, my name is Margaret Nickens. I'm from Alpharetta Georgia. Next year will be my junior year, and I'm going to be editor-and-chief of my HS newspaper, The Hook. After college I hope to travel around the world and write international articles about basically traveling. I want to do stuff similar to what I'm doing for this class (I am writing an article about how to spend a cheap day in Athens)where I write about foods, festivals, and boutiques from places around the world. That is basically everything. I hope we have a really great time at camp and make lots of friends. :) Oh and I guess if you want to know more about me, I swim competitively and play the piano.
Hey guys!
I'm Rachel. I'm going to be a Senior at Harrison High School in Kennesaw, Georgia next year. I'm the features editor of my school newspaper The Tradition. Overall, I am at this camp to gain a better understanding of the features style so that I can help to improve my school paper.
Besides newspaper, I am involved in soccer. I play on a club team and I played on the guys team at my high school (yeah weird, I know!).
A little bit about me
Hi Feature Writers,
I just wanted to tell a little more about myself. I'm from St. Simons Island, Georgia and i am going to be a junior this coming fall at Glynn Academy High School. I have never written an article before so i'm rather excited for this week. Mainly i write short stories and poems so
i'm looking forward to learning a new style of writing. For about 5 years now i've been playing drums and i also play on a Travel softball team based out of Jacksonville. I love love love drama and i've been on my school's competition drama team for about a year now. I one day hope to become a sports journalist or broadcaster and attend the University of Notre Dame or Emerson in Boston. I think i'm pretty easy to get along with. Most people call me a little crazy (in a good way) and i take pride in that. I'm a very open person and will talk about anything and i'm not afraid to ask questions or tell you my opinion. Oh yeah, next year i will be the sports editor for my school yearbook and hopefully we'll finally get a newspaper up and running. I'm hear to have fun and learn about something i love to do. :)
About Me
Hey I'm Briana! I live in Conyers, Georgia and I attend Heritage High School.
I came to this journalism camp because I want to strive to work for a magazine such as Seventeen or Teen Vogue one day. But of course some of my interests are writing and reading. I love to cheer. I'm a Varsity cheerleader at Heritage and I also love to be with my friends. Another hobby of mine, if you consider it a hobby, is texting and talking on the phone. I guess that's all for now!
Hey Guys! My name is Maggie Burch. I just turned 17 today! I'm from Thomson, Ga, which is right outside of Augusta. I came to this camp because, for now, I think I want to major in journalism in college and maybe pursue a career in magazines. But, that may change. I write for the teen section of our local newspaper, the Augusta Chronicle, because my school doesn't have a newspaper. I've really enjoyed the year I've done that and am looking forward to another year. I hope we have a fun week and I'm looking forward to getting to know y'all better. Bye!
Kaitlyn... hey everyone! :)
Hey I'm Kaitlyn! Most of my friend just call me Kait, it's either a bad habit or my names "too long" I'm not sure.
Overall, I'm here at camp to help prepare myself for another year as editor. The first year was kind of crazy, I'm not going to lie. However, I learned tons this year and the paper truly progressed, so I am satisfied!
Features writing needs the most work on my staff. I hope this class will give me the chance to learn new information and tactics to help my peers. I want to share my knowledge to help everyone become better writers.
Hey Features writers !
I know we already briefly introduced ourselves but I want to tell y'all a little bit more about myself. My name is Lauren and I am from Tampa, Florida. I am 17 years old and a rising senior! I go to a small private school in Tampa and I love it there!! Journalism is one of my passions and I hope to peruse it in college and beyond. I was the arts editor of my paper this year and a features writer. I really enjoy writing about fashion, music, movies, and just overall interesting people. I hope to learn a lot while I am here and so far it has been a really enjoyable experience. I talk a lot and I always have something to say. I love to just chat with people and get to know people so I really hope that I can get to know all of you by the end of the week. I look forward to working with all of you!
I live in the general Atlanta area, but I'm originally from New Orleans.
I'm attending the UGA Feature writing program because I want as much experience in Journalism as possible. Honestly, I wasn't sure what "Feature Writing" was to begin with, my Journalism teacher recommended for whatever reason...
I aspire to write for The New Yorker magazine when I finish college.
Aside from writing, theatre is fun for me. hmm...
yeah, I also help the environment as much as possible.
Oh, and I'm Joey.
So, I'm Jalisia, a rising senior which is exciting, though I am sketchy about the whole "twenty-ten" thing. I'm at this journalism camp, hoping to learn something that is usable for our non-existent school newspaper. Something about me... fave color purple, fave food pasta, fave movie Finding Nemo (really cool movie) and stuff like that. I am not a morning person so trying to making it to breakfast at 7:30 was like impossible and did not happen. So I'm a little hungry. But it's lunchtime now. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier...
Hey, my name is Chase Wassenar and I'm really looking forward to this first week of camp. I guess most of you don't really know me, so I'm going to spend this first post talking about who I am.
I was born at the Meadowlands Hospital in New Jersey on September 3, 1992 (just in case you all want to buy me a birthday present :P). I lived in Hoboken for 5 years before I moved to Summit. In June 1998, I moved to my house in Atlanta, where I have lived ever since. Since 1998, I have been a diehard Falcons fan; I have had season tickets to the games every year and have remained loyal to the team through the good, the bad, the atrocious, and the oh-my-god-how-are-we-this-awful.
My main passions are writing and acting. I have written for my school paper, the Blue and Gold, for the last two years, with a heavy focus on sports. I was the first sophomore sports writer in the last ten years when I earned the job this year, and I will continue my post as sports editor next year. My other passion is acting. I have done plays year-round since I first came to Marist. My most prominent roles include "Fat Sam" in Bugsy Malone, Reuben in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, the Pirate King in Pirates of Penzance, Mr. Guggenheim in Titanic, and a featured soloist in Sweeney Todd. I basically live at my theatre. :D
Well, that's all I have time for today. I'll be back tomorrow though (mostly because I have to :P).
Hi everyone!
I can't wait to learn more about why you are here, what you hope to learn this week, what you're going to do next week...Remember to comment on other people's posts!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
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